How To Conduct Excavation Works

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How To Conduct Excavation Works

28 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Excavating your property can be a challenging task. It is especially so if you plan large scale excavations such as digging foundations or basements. Below is a short guide to help you conduct excavation works. 

Check The Law

Check your local council laws to understand whether there are any laws on excavation works. For example, you could be prohibited from conducting excavation works during wet weather or below a specific depth. Some resident associations could also restrict the use of loud heavy machinery at night. 

Understand The Risks

You must understand the risks associated with the excavation works. For instance, you will need to survey the site to determine whether the excavation works will affect the structural integrity of nearby structures. Besides, conduct a geotechnical survey to know the type of soil and the location of groundwater sources. Consult with the local government to know whether the area contains underground gasses such as methane and hydrogen sulphide. Check whether the site has underground utilities such as water and gas lines.

Work With An Experienced Contractor

An experienced contractor will help you conduct the excavation works. Below are some tips to help you choose a contractor. 

  1. Check the contractor's previous projects to know whether they can handle the required works. The contractor should have high-quality excavation equipment such as excavators, bulldozers, graders and backhoe loaders.
  2. The contractor should prepare a project proposal detailing the sequence at which they will conduct the works and how long the works will take.
  3. Check the professional's terms and conditions. For instance, they should have general liability insurance. Additionally, the contractor should inform you if they will have subcontractors at your site.
  4. Work with contractor's that give guarantees. For example, they should be ready to repeat the exercise if the area collapses due to poor workmanship. 

Safety Tips

Excavation works can be risky. As such, your contractor must observe safety to avoid accidents at the site. For instance, the area must be barricaded to prevent passers-by from tripping into the excavated site. Besides, all employees must have protective clothing while working at the site. The contractor should assess the works to determine the risk of ground collapse. If it exists, they should initiate engineering controls such as battering, shoring or benching the walls. As a rule, do not excavate the site during storms and rains.

When conducting excavation works, check local laws, understand the risks of the excavation works, hire an experienced contractor and observe the recommended safety tips.

To learn more, contact a local excavating service.